

国际 Business Programs

Business Education Through a Global Lens.

At the University of 雷德兰兹' 商学院 & 社会,当前的护照和冒险意识是所有你需要加强你的教育之旅. 我们的短期海外学习和为期一周的全球咨询课程,让您亲身体验全球商业, 通过跨文化学习获得宝贵的知识和理解.

Leadership Opportunities

Become a Student Leader on One of Our 国际 Programs!

The 商学院 & 社团为参加我们海外留学课程的学生提供领导机会. Each course will generally have one or two student leadership positions. 这个人将负责各种职责,包括社交媒体和后勤. Study abroad student leaders may also help design their course.

成功完成作业的学生领袖可以获得500 - 1000美元的学费减免.

Students interested in leading one of the programs this year, 应与教授该课程的教员或国际计划主任联络, 迈克尔MacQueen 在他们方便的时候,带着你的意向书和一份简历. Please indicate which study abroad course you are applying for.


Study Abroad Grant and Scholarship Opportunities

出国留学的学生有多种助学金和奖学金机会.  Students should apply once they have decided on a specific program. 

请注意,所有助学金和奖学金都直接记入每个获奖者的学生账户, where the funds can be used to offset tuition costs for the course.

商学院 Study Abroad: Frequently Asked Questions

您需要填写并提交“注册包”,以确保您在您选择的课程中获得一席之地(注意:研究生和本科生有单独的包), as well as for 校友/Guests. the form can be found on the main 国际 Business Programs page.).

请注明您将替代您的海外学习课程的国际商务或顶点课程. 请按照您护照上的姓名(或即将出现的姓名)填写登记表. 如果您没有当前护照(在旅行日期后6个月内到期的护照), please work on getting that ASAP.


  • If you are an undergraduate, study abroad will substitute for BUSB 342 (国际 Business), BUSB 485 (Capstone), 或者选修课程.
  • If you are an MBA student, 出国留学将取代BUAD 655(全球商业环境)或你重点的全球商业课程(FINC 662W), GSIB 692 w, INTB 693 w, ISYS 680 w, INTB 694W) or your capstone course (BUAD 696).
  • 如果你是MSOL学生,出国留学代替MGMT 636(领导力沟通).

是的, 我们鼓励我们的学生带家人和/或朋友(必须至少16岁或经项目主任批准). 对于你的客人来说,旅行费用是一样的,但当然他们不必支付学费. They may attend all program activities, including 讲座/企业访问, but are not required to do so. 

出发前两到三个月开始,我们将进行强制性的出发前研讨会. 其中一个通常在星期六在威尼斯人平台主校区举行. The other workshops are conducted virtually.  We will notify you of the pre-departure workshop dates as they are set. Usually we hold one session at 60 or more days from departure, one 30-45 days out and one about two to three weeks before departure.


是的. If you do not have health insurance which will cover you while abroad, you will need to purchase a two-week travel policy. 有很多网站出售旅行健康保险(价格根据你的年龄而不同).  注册后,您将收到一份旅行释放表和医疗释放表, 因此请注意,您需要收集所需的医疗保险信息.

This varies by program, 然而,每个留学课程将有一个详细的行程,将在出发前三个月发送给所有注册的学生和客人.

是的, you are responsible for making your own international flight arrangements, 你要明白,当节目开始和结束时,你会在适当的地点. Since you will be making your own international flight arrangements, 在正式的课程结束后,你可以自由地早一点到达国家或晚一点停留. If you wish to bring a guest, 他们将在整个课程的旅行部分与你和团队一起旅行. 

商业与社会学院可以提供推荐的旅行社协助预订, 如果您想和教职员工一起旅行,我们会通知您的航班行程.


To secure your place on one of our programs, we’ll need a deposit in the form of a credit card payment of $500. This deposit will be applied toward payment of your program travel costs. 请注意,押金最多可在旅行出发前90天退还. After that time, the deposit is non-refundable.

旅行费用通常在出发前三个月左右才最终确定,具体取决于地点和课程的持续时间.  Land only travel costs for European programs typically run between $2,500-$3,500, while Asian and Latin American programs are typically less than $3,000. Costs fluctuate due to currency exchange rates and fuel surcharges.

所有国内机票, 巴士及长途汽车通行证, 酒店住宿, 旅游费用, 讲座, 企业访问, 还有一些你的饭菜. Students need to bring money for meals, 纪念品, 以及不包括在旅游计划内的个人观光游览. (Note: Because these program costs are "Land Only,参与者负责往返洛杉矶国际机场(或其他美国机场)的空中和地面交通.S. airport) and the foreign destination. 参与者还可以安排自己的交通工具到项目开始的住宿地点,并从项目结束的住宿地点回家.

商学院可以提供推荐的旅行社协助预订, 如果您想和教职员工一起旅行,我们会通知您的航班行程.

在注册时需要支付500美元的押金,以确保您参加我们的留学项目. 额外款项应在出发前约3个月零45天支付, depending on the program. You may pay for the travel costs in full at any time prior to departure.

是的,请查看我们的 机会页面 了解更多信息.


国际 Programs Director
University of 雷德兰兹
商学院 & 社会


国际 Programs Associate Director
University of 雷德兰兹
商学院 & 社会


国际 Programs Specialist
University of 雷德兰兹
商学院 & 社会
